Bread Church

Baking bread, exploring faith and building community together.

Starts Sunday 2nd June, 10am.

Meeting in the Carecent room at Central Methodist Church

This is a place where all are welcome.

A gathering place where we bake bread together, eat together and have the opportunity to explore the Christian faith together.

A safe space where there is freedom to ask questions and freedom to say nothing. Simply come as you are, join us at the table, bake and then eat bread together.

Community Carol Service 2018


Sunday 16th December 2018 at 3pm

Carols for Advent and Christmas. Everyone welcome, family-friendly free event.

Service will include well known carols that everyone can sing, as well as performances by the Prima Vocal Ensemble

Gather from 2:30pm with mince pies and non-alcoholic mulled wine. To help us cater sufficiently, please indicate you’re coming on our Facebook event page!

“Come to God’s house,
you who have much faith
and you who would like to have more;
you who have been here often
and you who have not been here for a long time;
you who have tried to follow Jesus
and you who have failed. Come.
It is Christ who invites us to meet him here.”

Organ Vespers 25th November 2018

Organ Vespers

Sunday 25th November 6.30pm

The organ case

Drawing on a similar service in the German Lutheran tradition we offer a new approach which focuses on organ music appropriate to a time in the church year or special theme.
There are also some appropriate readings and the opportunity to join singing one or two hymns from the Methodist tradition.

On this occasion we mark the church anniversary, “Stir up Sunday”, the festival of Christ the King and look forward to the start of Advent.

All are welcome.

Heritage Open Day 2018 – Extraordinary Women

For heritage open days this year, The church will be open from 10am to 4pm on the Saturday (15th September) and noon to 4 pm on the Sunday (16th September). This coincides with our Harvest festival celebrations.

Our church is a Grade 11* listed building built in 1840, one of the few chapels of its period still in regular use as intended. It has an imposing classical facade incorporating a giant three bay portico of unfluted Ionic columns and pediment. The interior is horse-shoe shaped with a gallery on three sides supported by nine pillars.

You’ll be very welcome to pop in and have a look around the chapel; some of us will be around to answer any questions you may have.  You should have an opportunity to hear what is generally regarded as one of the best organs in the city. There will also be time and space to sit quietly and pray.

The theme of this year’s heritage open days is extraordinary women, so we’re very pleased to be partnering with Carecent, Kyra, Serendipity and York Chocolate Story (i.e. important users of our building!). There will be displays from all of these organisations including our own display on Susannah Wesley, an extraordinary Methodist. We’re proud of our heritage, and it’s not all about the building!

During the day on Saturday and Sunday afternoon in the chapel there will be organ music with a focus on music by women composers, Floral arrangements as part of our traditional harvest celebrations, and the Courtyard garden will be open to the Carecent room where teas and coffees will be served.

Everyone is welcome to join us for worship on Sunday morning at 10:30am, when Rev Rory Dalgliesh will lead our service for Harvest festival.