Carols at Central 2022

Join our musical celebration of Christmas…

Sunday 18th December 2022 at 4pm
Everyone welcome, traditional free event
Gather from 3:30pm for Mince pies and Mulled Wine (non alcoholic)

We are delighted that the York Cantores Chamber Choir will join us for our annual carol service. They will help lead the singing of many well known favourites (complete with some descents by Willcocks!), as well as offering some solo items by Peter Warlock, Herbert Howells, Paul Manz and Peter Cornelius.

All welcome, we look forward to a good sing!

Worship in chapel AND online

Organ Vespers for Harvest

This short service will take the form of music from the organ, readings and prayers, themed around Harvest and Celebrating God’s gifts to us.

11th October 2020 2.30pm

We’re really looking forward to seeing some folk at Central this Sunday afternoon for Organ Vespers. It’s not going to be Church as we know it though, so we need to give you some advance warning that there are certain things that we must do in the Chapel to comply with Covid /government guidelines.

These will be as follows:-

On arrival you will be asked to ‘check in’ using the QR code which will be on display, or alternatively write down your contact details (name and tel number) for Track and Trace purposes.

– Hand sanitiser (provided) to be used on entering and exiting- Face masks will need to be worn (unless you have an exemption)

– A one way system will be in place to enter and exit the building- Some pews will be closed to allow the required social distancing- You are only able to sit with someone from your own household / support bubble.

– We have to keep service times to a minimum and therefore must encourage everyone to be seated as soon as they arrive and then leave promptly at the end of the service.

That said, and technology willing, the service we be streamed on Facebook too! You’ll be able to find the Live stream from 2:25pm onwards at Live streams are available to viewers with or without a Facebook account.

Both live streaming and meeting ‘in person’ in our Chapel are experiments for us – we’d welcome all your feedback after the event.

Residents’ festival 2020

Central Methodist Church is open for visitors on Saturday 25th January from 11am-4pm. This is officially part of the York Residents’ Festival weekend. The inside of our chapel is usually a wonderful surprise for residents who visit during the festival.

You’ll be very welcome to pop in and have a look around the chapel; some of us will be around to answer any questions you may have.  We hope to have a number of organists playing during the day too, so it’s an opportunity to hear what is generally regarded as one of the best organs in the city.

There’s no need to book in advance and you don’t even have to be a resident. Share the news and invite your friends and family to come and take a look at the inside of our fabulous building and listen to our impressive organ.

There will also be a space for prayer and reflection.

Details of other unusual locations open to visit for free can be found on Visit York’s website:

Advent and Christmas 2019

Advent is the season of preparation for the celebration of Christmas. It’s an important time in the life of our church. Here is a selection of activities during Advent and Christmas at Central.

Sunday 1 December 10am – Bread Church Christmas Special – meets in Carecent room.

Sunday 1 December 10:30am – Worship led by local preacher Dr Stephen Leah. Gift service – if you are able please bring gifts of suitable food items for York Foodbank.

Sunday 1 December 6:30pm – Evening worship led by Rev Rory Dalgliesh including holy communion.

Monday 2 December – 12 noon Oasis open church followed by Footsteps through Advent with Godly Play 1 – 2.15pm. ‘The Holy Family’

Sunday 8 December – 10:30am – Morning worship – Leslie Newton will be preaching after participating in the Little Big Sleep Out in the courtyard the night before.

Monday 9 December 12 noon Oasis open church followed by Footsteps through Advent with Godly Play 1 – 2.15pm. ‘Creation’

Sunday 15 December 10:30am – worship led by Rev Rory Dalgliesh including holy communion.

Sunday 15 December 3pm – Community carol service led by Deacon Judith Stoddart.  Gather from 2.30pm for mince pies and mulled wine (non alcoholic).

Monday 16 December – 12 noon Oasis open church followed by Footsteps through Advent with Godly Play 1 – 2.15pm. ‘The Flood and the Ark’

Sunday 22 December – 10:15am – Morning carols at St Columba’s URC 

Monday 23 December 12 noon Oasis open church followed by Footsteps through Advent with Godly Play 1 – 2.15pm. “The Great Family”

Wednesday 25th December 10am – Christmas day service led by Deacon Judith Stoddart.

Sunday 29th December 10:30am – Morning worship led by Local preacher John Freeman


Our banner for Advent
Our banner for advent