Organ Vespers for Harvest
This short service will take the form of music from the organ, readings and prayers, themed around Harvest and Celebrating God’s gifts to us.
11th October 2020 2.30pm
We’re really looking forward to seeing some folk at Central this Sunday afternoon for Organ Vespers. It’s not going to be Church as we know it though, so we need to give you some advance warning that there are certain things that we must do in the Chapel to comply with Covid /government guidelines.
These will be as follows:-
On arrival you will be asked to ‘check in’ using the QR code which will be on display, or alternatively write down your contact details (name and tel number) for Track and Trace purposes.
– Hand sanitiser (provided) to be used on entering and exiting- Face masks will need to be worn (unless you have an exemption)
– A one way system will be in place to enter and exit the building- Some pews will be closed to allow the required social distancing- You are only able to sit with someone from your own household / support bubble.
– We have to keep service times to a minimum and therefore must encourage everyone to be seated as soon as they arrive and then leave promptly at the end of the service.
That said, and technology willing, the service we be streamed on Facebook too! You’ll be able to find the Live stream from 2:25pm onwards at https://www.facebook.com/CentralMethodistChurchYork/. Live streams are available to viewers with or without a Facebook account.
Both live streaming and meeting ‘in person’ in our Chapel are experiments for us – we’d welcome all your feedback after the event.